Personal and Business Solutions

Every story is different. Hear from the people we've helped, and from the people that helped them.


Who Are We?

We pride ourselves on achieving economic benefit through fair financial relationships

DCH Network was created by regular people and business owners who have experienced the pressure of bad credit and the awful effect that debt can have on a family as well as a business.

Why Choose Us?

We show you our appreciation by going above and beyond, ensuring a flawless experience. We can be your top choice today!

How can we help you?

Personal Solutions

DMP Debt Management Program.

A debt management program is a solution to credit card debt offered by nonprofit consumer credit counseling agencies.
A debt management program, sometimes referred to as a debt management plan or DMP, provides consumers an easy way to pay off
debt and reduce financial stress by combining the benefits of a workout arrangement with debt consolidation.
In a workout arrangement, consumers contact their creditors to set up a repayment plan that works with their budget. The creditor typically freezes the account, meaning you can’t continue to use that line of credit while paying off the debt.

Individuals who attempt to set up a workout arrangement with their creditors must call each creditor individually and negotiate an arrangement.
Credit counseling agencies that offer DMP’s do the work for you and contact your creditors to set up a single repayment
plan to cover all of your credit card debts. The monthly payment is determined by your budget and
seeks to have you completely debt-free within three to five years.

DSP Debt Settlement Program.

Credit building and repair.

Business Solutions

Merchant Services

Our valued Merchant Services can save the average business owner 10% – 30% on their current credit & debit card processing costs.
Our local agents can provide a FREE NO OBLIGATION analysis based on your current merchant account statement.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with your local agent and find out how much you can save.

Intermediaries between the bank or organization you want to receive funds and the person or organization seeking to purchase goods or services. The business service provider will provide companies and individuals the requirements to accept credit cards, debit cards and other forms of electronic payment for the transaction to be carried out.

Business Debt Relief

Business Financing

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